Orthodontics treatments can correct the malfuncions even at older age and we can achieve marvellous results. This is in many ways more simple, but in many other ways more complicated then treatments in childhood. More simply, because the growth of jaws and the face has already been finished, we don’t have to count with the 4th dimesnion caused by the development-ripening-growing. A final status has been achieved, which sahll be changed only to minor extent during the rest of our life. Fortunately, the emphasis is on the minor extent, since change is the basis of change. Therefore it is possible that orthodontics can be performed at any age. On the other hand it is more complicated, because the reactivity of tissues is less then in childhood and it is gradually decreasing with age progress, buti t will never be ceased.
First consultation
We assess the demands. Patients shall be informed about the possible treamtents in a a relaxed atmosphere under pleasant circumstances, we provide information about the possible ways of treatments as well as about the beginning of treatments. This is a very important moment, the first impresssion about the necessity of treatment, what will happen, how it will be done, how long it will take. At this stage we are still not able to define a concrete plan.
Planning the treatment
This is the most important part in the course of orthodontics. This is the time when it is to be decided what changes should be made on the face, how smile will look like, how impression and aesthetic judgement will be. In one word, how we can improve the aesthetic judgement of the face.
Special treatments in adulthood:
- conductive treatments for prothesis
- „back regulation” of wandering teeth due to periodontal diseases
- surgery orthodontics treatments due to jaw deformities
- dysfunction of jaw joint
- aesthetic interventions
Orthodontics types, devices:
Gyakran ismétlődő kérdések
Tudok majd fogszabályozóval rendesen beszélni?
A külső készülékek egyáltalán nem zavarják a hangképzést. A belső fogszabályozót az elején meg kell szokni, azonban egy idő után a nyelv hozzászokik, hogy a szájban van egy „idegen test”. Ha megszoktuk a fogszabályozót a beszéd sem okoz semmiféle problémát.
Fémallergiás vagyok, mi a teendő fogszabályozás előtt?
A fogszabályozás előtt a fogorvos részletesen kikérdezi a beteget. Ha valakinek fémallergiája van, ma már számos lehetőség van arra, hogy olyan anyagokat használjunk, ami nem vált ki allergiás reakciókat. A legfontosabb, hogy a fogorvos tudjon problémánkról.
Lehet-e gyorsítani a fogszabályozást?
A megfelelő eredmény eléréséhez idő kell, amely függ a fiziológiai folyamatoktól és attól, hogy milyen módszert használ a fogorvos. Ne legyünk türelmetlenek, mert a végeredmény kárpótol minket az esetleges kellemetlenségekért.
Jár-e rossz érzéssel a fogszabályozó készülék viselése?
A fogszabályozó készüléket a felhelyezést követően meg kell szokni, hiszen a fogakra felragasztott tappancsok mindenképpen változást jelentenek. Az első időben érzékenyek lehetnek a fogak, előfordulhat az íny, a nyelv és az ajkak irritációja. Az átmeneti panaszokat különböző módszerekkel tudjuk enyhíteni, például a fogszabályozó problémás részeire felhelyezendő viasszal, vagy végső esetben enyhe fájdalomcsillapító tablettákkal. A készüléket a páciensek általában pár nap alatt megszokják és a későbbiekben nem okoz nekik problémát.
Nem akarok úgy kinézni, mint egy tini, létezik-e nem feltűnő fogszabályozó?
Sokféle ragasztott fogszabályozó létezik. Vannak olyan bracketek, amelyeknek létezik fogszínű vagy átlátszó változata is. Bizonyos sportolóknak, üzletembereknek, művészeti szakmákban dolgozóknak a belső fogszabályozó készüléket ajánljuk, amelyet a fog belső felszínére rögzítünk, így ez a fogszabályozó készülék láthatatlan. Ezek a készülékek ugyan drágábbak, de ez az egyik legmodernebb technológia és ezekkel a kezelési idő is lerövidíthető. A fogorvosunk nemcsak orvosi, hanem esztétikai szempontból is a legmegfelelőbb megoldást fogja ajánlani.
Hasznos információk
Oral hygiene
Precondition of the birth of a wonderful smile is the entire understanding between you and your dentist. Your dentist can do anything for you just as long as you are in the dental surgery, but it is your duty to ensure in the rest of time that treatment might continue smoothly. The most important is to keep your teeth and gum clean – also when you are not under treatment. But when treatment has started, keeping oral hygiene needs a more empahsized care.
For instance a braces device in your mouth may be the source of plaque formation.
If you wear such, take a little extra time for cleaning your teeth. Use special tooth-brush, dental floss, tooth space cleaning tooth-brush which can be helpful in maintaining oral hygiene. If you wear removable orthodontics device, it can be cleaned by tooth-brush, tooth paste and special tablets. You can find detailed guide below how to maintain the cleanness and health of your mouth and braces.
It is important to maintain oral hygiene during and after dental treatment.
Teeth and mouth care
- The right technics of teeth brushing
In lack of brushing plaque shall deposit on the teeth and the gum surface from the saliva, the bacteria, the food leftovers and other dissolved substances in saliva. If this plaque is permanently present on the tooth surface, the acid-forming bacteria accumulates causing caries. Regular and thorough brushing is also indispensable. There exists no rule in what sequence we have to brush the individual teeth surfaces. The best way is to work out a system for ourselves and follow it everytime, so not one of the teeth surfaces shall remain unbrushed. Let’s grip the tooth-brush, but take care not to push it on the teeth with too much force. Let’s pass all the teeth surfaces in the lower and upper denture with circular movements. Avoid the powerful, horizontal scrubbing because as a result of this the gum shall draw back and horizontal stripes appear on teeth surfaces from the brush. These cavities are ideal deposition spaces for the plaque. The inner surfaces should be cleaned with the sweeping technics. Brush should be placed on the teeth that it should partly cover the gum then following the masticatory surface let’s make it free from plaque. These sweeping movements should be repeated ten times per section. For the sake of perfect mouth care the evening tooth brushing should be followed by the use of dental floss and mouthwash, because brush is sufficient to clean the inner and outer masticatory surfaces only.
- Cleaning the braces
If you wear fixed braces for the first sight it seems to be difficult to remove plaque from the teeth and the gum, but you just need a short practice to find the perfect method. You have to take care not to let a single outer or inner teeth surface out and don’t miss the masticatory surface and the backside of teeth. Finally wash the surrounding of the braces, first up-and-down then inversely. It is important that the bristles of the brush intrude into the gaps between teeth and wires. Don’t forget the spaces under the wires – they have to be cleaned as well. It is also important not to forget the space between the braces and the gum. Your movements should be smooth and take care not to hurt the holders and wires. Then rinse thoroughly with water. After this examine meticulously your teeth and braces if they are bright enough. Use interdental brush and dental foss! See below:
- Cleaning of removable devices
In this case teeth care is much more simple, because when we have removed the braces, we can brush our teeth and use dental foss like in normal case. The gum area covered by braces should be cleaned carefully if you are using such kind of braces. Wash the braces device with tooth-brush and tooth-paste then rinse it thoroughly with plenty of water. The cleaning of braces have to be performed every day and it is to be put into a cleaning soution every 3-4 days. Tablets obtained in pharmacy have to be solved in water and let rest for 10 minutes. It may occur that calc-like substance shall be deposited on the device. In such case a good solution is to soak the device in vinegar. After both cleaning method a thorough washing and drying process is necessary.
Oral care products
- Selection of brushes
The ideal brush has a little head and a rounded edge, because the brush has to reach even the farest point of the last teeth, too. Furthermore it is also important that brushes be of medium or soft fibre strength, since hard bristles combined with incorrect cleaning method shall guarantee cervical wear. It is also an advantage if bristle ends are rounded, the handle of brushes flexible with a bending head, because these characteristics also promote gentle teeth brushing. Brushes have to be replaced minimum every 3 months since bristles get worn during this period and their efficiency shall be reduced. The replacement of brushes is especially justified if its fibres bend in differnet directions. Those who wear braces are recommended to choose special teeth-brush. These have a V-profile bristle and so they are able to clean teeth even below and above the wires of braces.
- Interdental cleaning brushes
Using interdental cleaning brushes you may thoroughly clean spaces where normal brushes have few access only or no access at all. Gaps between teeth are important to clean, since these are ideal spaces where caries are formed and the periodontal disease without noticing it. Removing plaques can best be performed with these small spiral-like devices which are cleaning simply and smoothly. By their everyday use gum-blooding and unpleasant breath can undoubtedly be reduced within a few days. Use interdental brushes of different size to reach different places. Push it into the gap then pull it out. This procedure doesn’t need to be repeated.
- Use of dental foss
Dental foss is applied to clean the gaps between teeth. Using them – besides the fact that food restovers can perfectly be removed – it can be achieved that fluor in the water and teeth pastes should access into the teeth. Slightly move the foss between your teeth so that they contact the tooth surface. Rub all the teeth separately up and down to remove plaque but take care not to hurt gum. In case of fixed braces device the foss should be led between the gum and gum-side. Blooding during the use of dental foss can be attributed to the inflammation of gum, or the not ordinary, rough use of the foss. Using it frequently and correctly the inflammation of gum shall soon be ceased. On prothesis food restovers remain better, so cleaning with dental foss is not too important in such cases.
- Mouth irrigator
When somebody has undergone a serious periodontal disease or a periodontal operation, there may exist wholes between teeth which are almost impossible to clean with the above listed devices. The same applies for those who wear sticked braces device where hardly accessible and cleanable surfaces are formed between the wires. Mouth irrigator is recommended especially for them, but with the highest care only! The power of water jet is to be adjusted on a lower level and never direct the jet in the direction of the gum, because it may force the plaque under the sticking line and may cause inflammation. When the gap for cleaning is big enough, then a water jet of lower intensity is also able to wash it out.
- Use of dental foss
Mouthwash or mouth irrigator is a fluid serving the hygiene of teeth and mouth. It has a fertilizing effect, so destroying the bacteria and virus it helps us to prevent caries, inflammation of the gum and prevent bad breath as well as the formation of plaques. After thorough teeth brushing it is useful to use irrigator since it is promoting the soundness of mouth bacteria flora – in case we don’t irrigate it with clean water and agents remain in the surroundings of the teeth. Although the majority of them ensure a pleasant, fresh breath, it can never be applied instead of teeth-brushing. Appr. 15 ml of mouthwash is recommended to rinse with closed mouth for about one minute in the same way as we do it when brushing our teeth. It is suggested to wash out the backside of the mouth, too as if you would gargle.
- Toothpaste
Toothpastes consist of material promoting the mechanical cleaning of teeth. The paste or gel form material helps to remove food restovers, dental plaques from the tooth surface, removes or ceases bad breath. The antibacterial component of toothpastes is the Xylitol, which inhibits the formation and reproduction of bacteria causing gum inflammation. The improvement of efficiency is aimed by other supplementary substances (like zinc, fluorid, triclosan, etc) which have an effect of direct chemical plaque reduction. Fluor is an important component of toothpastes. It is replacing the hydroxiapatite content of teeth with fluorapatite content which is not only stronger, but also resists caries.
- Plaque painting tablets
The yellow-white colour of plaque looks like the colour of teeth, therefore it is not easy to recognize it with naked eyes. Mapping the plaque to be formated on teeth we can use plaque painting tablets and solutions which paint this strong adhesive layer red, purple or yellow. Plaque paitning may help us controlling the efficiency of our teeth cleaning technics. Let’s chew a plaque painting tablet after teeth-brushing in a way that it should possibly reach the entire teeth surface then after rinsing let’s observe which teeth show discoloration and where exactly. If we find discoloration on our teeth, let’s wash our teeth again until colours shall be eliminated from their entire surface. Few occasions are enough to map and cease our mouth hygiene deficiencies.
- Tongue scraper
The tongue scraper is an indispensable means of overcoming unpleasant breath. For forming part of the mouth problems the tongue plaque is responsible, because in course of the night detoxification human organ gets free from part of the toxines through the tongue. Without mechanical cleaning the plaque and its toxic substance returns to the tract in the process of dailiy nutrition. This can be avoided by the regular, daily use of the tongue scraper. It is not suggested to use brushes for this purpose, because bacteria hiding in the bristle can easily be located there.
Frequent disorders
Tooth disorders
- Jam
- Open bite (incisors don’t come together when biting)
- Deep bite (upper incisors overlap or cover the lower incisors)
- Cross bite (e.g. upper teeth bite not before but behind lower teeth)
- Tooth outside or inside teeth arch
- Excessive leaning of teeth in- or outside
- Retarded teeth
- Supernumerery teeth
- Lack of tooth germ
Disordres concerning the jaw
- Underdeveloped or too big jaw
- Underdeveloped or too big upper jaw
- The combination of the above, disproportion between the size and location of jaws
- Open bite
- Deep bite
- Dyssymmetry
- Lips- and palate gaps
Frequent deviations we meet in adulthood
- Overgrown or leaned teeth due to missing teeth, obstructing preparation of prothesis
- Wandering teeth due to periodontal diseases
- Surgery- orthodontics treatments due to jaw deformities
- Disfunctions of mandibular joints (pain, clacking)
- Aesthetic interventions
Why do tooth disorders shape?
1. Genetic reason
- The size and shape of our teeth are genetically determined. However, the size of the jaw is coded by other genes. So it may occur that we inherit too big teeth with small jaw or too small teeth with big jaw resulting jamming or on the contrary gapping.
- A great number of deviations can itself be inherited, for example the protruding, overgrown jaw (bulldog bite) let’s think of the Habsburg family. Family aggregation can be observed in many cases due to lack of germ, supernumerery teeth, or just due to gaps (lips- and palate gap).
2. Outer harms
- Bad habits, functional disorders
- Thumb sucking (children push the upper incisors outside with their thumbs, like a „bracing” device)
- Tongue thrust swallowing (tongue is jamming between the two dentures by swallowing)
- Lips-pressure swallowing (lower lip is jamming behind the upper incisors, so upper incisors lean forward, the lower ones backwards)
- Nail chewing, pencil chewing
- Bruxism (mainly at night, in most cases because of stress)
- Nutrition disorders (baby doesn’t suck, doesn’ chew enough)
- Impaired nasal breathing (when child is sick for longer time, can’t take breath through nose, breathing happens through mouth only. Accordingly, lips are always open, teeth are not supported by the muscle of lips, therefore upper incisors lean outside)
- Premature loss of milk teeth (removal of milk teeth at least one year prior to breaking out the final teeth). Early removal of milk teeth causes a great number of disorders, because the neighbouring teeth start to wander towards the missing space and the later breaking peermanent teeth will find insufficient place, so they will stand inside or outside the denture, in worst case they are unable to grow at all and remain inside the bone. Bite may also sink causing deep bite syndrome. To prevent this phenomenen we prefer keeping teeth, on the other hand, if removal is indispensible, we used to suggest the application of site maintenance. This can be removable or fixed, small size device, doesn’t disturb children.
- Trauma (due to accident of milk teeth the permanent tooth doesn’t break out or breaks out with abnormal poisiton).
Kezelés megtervezése
Ez a szakasz a legfontosabb momentum a fogszabályozó kezelések során. Ekkor dől el, hogy milyen változásokat hozunk létre az arcon, milyen lesz a mosoly, a benyomás, az esztétikai megítélés.
Összességében vizsgáljuk a rágó-és mimikai izomzatot, a fogsorok találkozását,a rágást, a fogak helyzetét, az állcsontok egymáshoz való viszonyát. Lemérjük a fogak és ajkak találkozását. Esztétikai analízist végzünk. Minden egyes páciens más- és más, ezért kell elkészíteni az egyénre szabott kezelési tervet. Rengeteg mérési lehetőség áll a rendelkezésünkre, de ezeket nem külön-külön, hanem egy komplex rendszerben végezzük el.
Csak akkor vágunk bele a kezelésbe, ha biztosak vagyunk az elérhető maximális eredményben és a hosszútávú stabilitásban. Különböző alternatívákat alkotunk, de azzal a szigorú megkötéssel, hogy kompromisszumot csak akkor kötünk, ha ez orvosi szempontból is helytálló. Bevonjuk a társszakmák képviselőit is, ha szükséges, konzultálunk kezelőorvosával. Ekkor ajánljuk fel azokat a készüléktípusokat, amelyek a leghatékonyabbak a kezelésben. Ezek közül választhat. A kezeléstervezéskor nem készülékekben gondolkozunk, hanem abban, hogy az Ön számára mi a lehető legjobb megoldás. A készülék, csak eszköz a kezünkben amivel a legoptimálisabban, leggyorsabban,legkényelmesebben kezeljük Önt.
NASA találmány a fogszabályozóban
Az egyes fogszabályozóknál használt drótban olyan nikkel-titánium található, melyet a NASA fejlesztett ki, és speciális alakmegőrző tulajdonsággal rendelkezik, mely testhő vagy nyomás hatására aktivizálódik.
Már a maják is használtak fogékszert
2500 évvel ezelőtt a Maja civilizációnak komoly ismeretei voltak a fogakról. Fogaikat ugyanis előszeretettel díszítették ékszerekkel, melyhez kezdetleges fúrót használtak. Sőt, fogaikat sokszor speciális alakúra faragták, hogy minél érdekesebb legyen… A kutatók szerint a maják nagyon jól ismerhették a fogakat, hiszen képesek voltak úgy faragni azokat, és úgy beilleszteni az ékszert, hogy felépítésükben nem esett kár.
Az egyiptomiak furcsa módszere a fogak között rés ellen
Már az ókorban is voltak kísérletek a fogak közötti rések megszűntetésére és a tökéletes mosoly kialakítására. Ásatások során fedezték fel, hogy az egyiptomiak a fogakat egy vékony, állati belekből készített zsineggel húzták össze, így próbálták megszűntetni a köztes hézagokat. Hiába, egy a szép mosoly már akkor nagy jelentőséggel bírt.