CA® CLEAR ALIGNER – invisible orthodontic appliance

Aligners are removable orthodontic appliances made of special transparent foils, hence the name “invisible orthodontic appliance”. During orthodontics, we make several aligners – a series – which the patient is supposed to wear in a specified order. The advantage of the appliance is that it is almost invisible, wearing is easy to get used to. It is not bothering during speaking or from an aesthetic point of view. Orthodontics with CA ® CLEAR ALIGNER in our Orthodontic Center is also available. Looking for the most discreet orthodontic solution available? Contact our centre with trust!

We are pleased to announce that Dr. András Kocsis, the head of our Orthodontic Center, and Tibor Csiki, our dental technician, have obtained the medical and dental qualification to produce CA® CLEAR ALIGNER appliances and carry out treatments with this technology.

Process of Treatment:

At the first meeting, we take X-rays, photos and impressions.

  • These data are used for planning the treatment. Using special measuring tools, we determine how many series of foils will be needed during the treatment.
  • This is followed by a detailed discussion of the treatment plan.
  • Preparation and delivery of orthodontic appliances, followed by regular check-ups.
  • In some cases, less frequent check-up is sufficient enough as compared to multibracket treatments, which can be of great benefit to those who are unable to visit us every month.
Digitális mozgatás a mintán

Digital movement on the sample

A kezelés tervezése

Planning the treatment

Wearing, cleaning

Depending on the deviation, the appliances can be designed with a computer. Using a special program, we determine the amount of tooth movement according to the flexibility of the foil. In this phase, we also calculate how many series of foils to make to achieve the perfect result. After the measurements have been made, the desired movement is created on the sample and then the aligner series is made upon it.

Depending on the complexity of the case, a treatment may require from two to three up to six to eight series of aligners. A series consists of three foils, one soft, one medium, and one hard. Appliances should be worn for at least 22 hours a day for one or two weeks. It is very important to adhere to the wearing time, because in the absence of this, the treatment will not bring about the desired result. Avoid cleaning the appliances with warm water!

Advantages of CA® CLEAR ALIGNER treatment:

  • Achieves eye-catching results in a relatively short time
  • appliance is removable
  • with CA® CLEAR ALIGNER, the prognosis of treatment can be estimated more accurately
  • The treatment lasts 4-8 months on average
  • Comfortable, invisible
  • Cost-efficient
  • Perfect value for money
  • In some cases less frequent check-up is sufficient
Állapot a kezelés előtt

Before treatment

Állapot a kezelés előtt

Before treatment

Eredmény a kezelést követően

After treatment

Eredmény a kezelést követően

After treatment


Not suitable for correcting every kind of deviation

  • It is very important that CA® CLEAR ALIGNER is only recommended for patients who are truly committed to the treatment Those who wear CA® CLEAR ALIGNER less than they are supposed to should not expect quick and eye-catchy improvements.
  • It may interfere with voice formation and speech

Aligner appliances are easy to get used to. They typically do not interfere with speech after a few days of wearing, and are almost completely invisible. CA® CLEAR ALIGNER system is now available in our Orthodontic Centre. Looking for the most discreet solution? Feel free to contact our clinic!

CA Clear Aligner páciens csomag

CA® CLEAR ALIGNER patient package